Tuesday, April 3, 2012

2011 Abstract - Is the game of B-I-N-G-O Really random?

Bingo is a game that has been played on since its beginning in 1530 where it was first called "Il Guoco de Italia." But as we continue to enjoy this timeless tradition, a question still remains inside of our heads, is this game as random as it claims or is there something about it that favors some players over others?

The goal of this extensive experiment was to collect data on specific bingo cards using three different types of random number generation which include, two types of true random number generators, Random.org and a bingo cage, and one pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) which was a computer programmed number generator. Ten random cards were picked from a random bingo set and put through 100 games of bingo using these three methods of number generation. The results of these tests were analyzed based on the definition of randomness as defined by the Free Dictionary:

1. Having no specific pattern, purpose, or objective
2. Of or relating to an event in which all outcomes are equally likely

After extensive analysis, it was justified that the game of Bingo, no matter what random numbers are used, will always be random where the pattern of winners is random and no card is more likely to win than another.

So the next time, a friend or family member accuses the game of Bingo being unfair, you can tell them that they have nothing to complain about!

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